will edmond a.k.a “plant daddy”

Immerse Yourself In Daring Dining Culture and Uncover Unique Explorations With Your Favorite Vegan Chef – Will Edmond!


What’s Will All About?

Nature Lover

An adventurous spirit has always lived within Will ever since he was a child, and now he loves to share this side of his passion with the rest of the world! As an esteemed travel host, Will has traveled all around the world to numerous exotic locations such as New Zealand, Peru, Spain, and a plethora of other magnificent countries! Every unique location brings a new, tastebud-busting experience he can always keep in his back pocket for years to come.

Thrill Seeker

Will is all about the thrill of the chase!

What is he chasing you might ask? … Well, the adventure of course! While completely delving into all that the human experience has to offer, Will continues to see the sights and cook amazing meals while doing it.

He’s always on the road and setting up shop in tiny, cultural homes that provide the true inspiration behind your favorite vegan recipes!

Master Chef

Did we mention he’s a master chef? Put him in the kitchen with a few fresh ingredients and he’ll keep cooking to his heart’s content. He transforms the most popular meat dishes you can think of into vegan-based delicacies by just substituting in plant-based meats and veggies. Is your mouth watering yet?



Ever since I was a child growing up in a small town in East Texas, I’ve always loved the great outdoors! This love has continuously blossomed throughout my life. My knowledge of food and passion for exploring nature allowed me to become the professional vegan chef I am today!

From helping you plan out your next travel destination to creating a killer vegan recipe that puts your mainstream recipes to shame, I love what I do and I do what I love! Switching out common ingredients for more fresh, vegan options is going to completely change your life.

I’ve worked with numerous, high-end brands to spread the word about the amazing impact various food cultures around the world have had on my life. Are you ready to start your journey?

Let’s go on an adventure together!



FLORA BUTTER — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac ex nec lacus mattis tempus quis vestibulum eros.

Violife — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in at pulvinar quam, in placerat ligula. Sed interdum finibus justo eleifend consequat.

Our Place — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, maximus ante in lectus elementum, sit amet faucibus dui consectetur. Pellentesque sollicitudin nec quam a posuere.



Originally a stay away summer camp for children, Fairfield was transformed in 2011 into a state of the art cooking retreat. Mauris consequat ullamcorper sapien, convallis sodales diam luctus vitae. Donec fermentum felis odio, at iaculis est viverra sit amet. Vestibulum elementum massa nec purus lacinia, et varius lorem finibus. Nullam felis felis, sagittis ut elit nec, mattis mattis lectus. Phasellus interdum eu nulla eu iaculis.



"Why didn't I come here sooner?" — Hamlet Daily

"Fairfield is a modern day foodie's utopia. " — Village Post

"An unforgettable time that inspired a new relationship with cooking and eating. " — City Gazette

"No better way to spend a weekend than with good food and good friends. " — Hicks Globe


